Saturday, September 12, 2009

Obama in Minneapolis - 09/12/2009

How many, Dude?
The Wave

Cheer Leader Guy

I gave the address of this blog to about a half dozen people I met at this rally. Just so you know, I will be posting some more photographs as time permits in the next few days. Sorry that the images of Obama are not high quality due to the distance we were from the front stage. I guess in justification, I can say that this is what we saw.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Three more pictures from Estes Park area

First two are from the Cow Creek Trail. I kind of like the first one. It seems kind of artsy.

The last picture is Mount Meeker from the Twin Sisters Trail. At the upper right corner, you can just barely see the Notch Couloir of Long's Peak.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Quickies from Colorado

Here it is: My entry in the Inanimate Objects that Resemble People contest.

I'll post a bunch more when I get home.