Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Eagle Scout

SteveO's Eagle Court of Honor with Masters of Ceremony, John and Jake; color guard, James, Michael, and Jim. Music by Molly. Be there or be square. Friday, July 24 at Sucker Lake, Pavilion 1, 6PM. A-M bring salad, N-Z bring a side dish.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trip to Laureen's PhD Defense, Sept 2008

I believe this bridge that you see from the Cloisters is the George Washington.

I shot all of these pictures at the Cloisters in Manhatten, except for the iguana. The iguana is PJ's now deceased reptile. He had had the beast for many years before it sadly passed away during the winter. As the headline suggests, these photographs were taken when I went to NYC for Laureen's defense. Instead of naming the post "The Cloisters and PJ's iguana," I choose to include Laureen in the title because I want her to know that she is special and I'm not neglecting her. I should also add that the hand belongs to Laureen. The Cloisters are a very special place to spend a rainy afternoon.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

More Minnehaha Falls

"Can you say the name of this falls without laughing?" Believe it or not, that was one of our daughter's lame jokes when she was about seven or eight. I won't say which one because she is all grown up now and starting graduate school; and I wouldn't want her to be ostracized.In the interest of NOT fooling the public, there was a guy in the path on the left side of the next picture who simply did not fit in compositionally. I took him out. Whooosh.
Moral of the story: Try to fit in.The last picture in this set is a Ghanian family that Mary and I met last week at Minnehaha falls. We also went to Sea Salt.