Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jenny Lake to Spoon, Day 5

This is Kekekabic Lake near the portage to Pickle Lake. Kekekabic is a long, deep lake with spectacular cliffs at the east end. Unfortunately, I could not photograph from there because of the wind and rain. I did not see anyone else on the lake but encountered quite a few people on both portages.
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Thundercaps viewed from the ridge north of Spoon Lake looking toward Canada.

Cairn at the highpoint of the ridge above my campsite on Spoon Lake.
Spoon Lake
One thing I found out is that, even in the more popular areas, you can sometimes find a quiet campsite just  by paddling a little further or taking an extra portage to a smaller lake. On Day 5, I was heading into a popular area between Kekekabic and Knife so I stopped over at Spoon and then paddled about a mile east where I found a campsite on the north side of the lake. I didn't see any other visitors until I was on the northern arm of Knife Lake the next day.

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